Aug 16

Dammit Earl!

Some bad news for Belize, Mexico and Honduras… Earl is coming and he likely will become a hurricane some time tomorrow.


Not good.

Thoughts are with those in the path of Earl.

Oct 15

Permit are a-holes. Go chase a-holes with Hatch magazine.

I don’t like permit and I have a feeling it’s a mutual thing.

Permit.  Not a world record, but a frigging permit!

Permit. Not a world record, but a frigging permit!

I caught one in Belize in 2010. It was a small permit, but it was a permit. I almost hooked one in Cuba… but I didn’t. I’ve seen a handful, but I haven’t fished for them too much. I haven’t fished for them because I like fishing to a fish that wants to eat and isn’t such a jerk.

I know people get the permit sickness and those who have it have generally already let the bonefish illness run its course… maybe tarpon too. If you have it, there is no cure. It is a chronic condition that will rob you of your free time and spending money.

Now, if that sounds awesome, you should check out a hosted trip that Hatch Magazine has going on. The trip is in February down in Ascension Bay in Mexico, which is, like Belize, a place you can actually catch those bastards.

There are still some openings and that should be a good time, maybe easing the permit sickness just a tad for a couple of months.

Feb 14

Origin of the Sky

Well… this looks like a bit of awesome sauce. Love the slo-mo bonefish eat.

I have yet to fish the Caribbean side of Mexico and I’d very much like to do so. My wife happens to speak Spanish, something a Dr. in California finds need of for sure. I plan to exploit her knowledge.

[vimeo clip_id=”83714163″]

Jan 14

Mexico, the Drake and Shane



Got the winter edition of the Drake and I was happy to see my friend Shane (and his wife) in there smacking some fish down in Mexico.

I got to fish with Shane down in Belize, as well as spending a fair amount of time with him on the Lower Sac, Upper Sac and McCloud. He’s one of the best anglers I’ve ever fished with and has been generous with his time and expertise.

Great article, written by Tom Bie, who was also on the trip. They are down in at Paradise Lodge on the southern Yucatan coast and it looks pretty nice.

Check it out, if you haven’t already.

Jun 13

Shane goes to Paradise

Paradise Lodge, that is. I think this was a hosted trip that Shane did with his wife.  Funny thing is watching his wife blow a tarpon shot and get a little angry… been there, done that and can totally relate to that feeling.

Cool video.

[vimeo clip_id=”68746485″]

May 13

Bonefish save the day in MX

Saw this blog recently, Uprising. Brent Wilson, the author, shares a story about day where the weather doesn’t cooperate for poons and snook, but they still find some bones to save the day.

I’ve never actually fished the Caribbean side of Mexico. I’ve fished just south of Mexico. I’ve fished within a cast of Mexico, but not actually in Mexican waters on the East Coast. I’d like to, for sure.

They are probably out there somewhere.

They are probably out there somewhere.

Brent talks about seeing a bunch of tarpon in a cenote and I remember seeing one myself down there on a snorkel trip down a centote south of Cancun. Pretty cool sight.


Jan 13

A little DIY Meixco action

Because I’m lazy today… and I’m off to the Wine Train with the lovely wife.

(not excellent handling here)

Nov 12

A word on Mexico

I used to go down to Mexico a bit. Really, I’d be there once or twice a year in Vallarta with the fam. I’m divorced from the Vallarta experience now, but I still have a soft spot for Mexico and think often about heading down to the Caribbean side of things to find some bonefish and tarpon to throw a fly at.

Some up here North of the Border have an impression that Mexico is dangerous. “The drug violence!” they cry.

Well, Mexico can be dangerous, if you are are running drugs along the border. Don’t run drugs along the border. In fact, just don’t run drugs.

You avoid running drugs and Mexico all of a sudden is a much, much safer place.

Check out the Yucatan there. There really have not been that many drug related deaths in all of Yucatan and I have a feeling fly fishing anglers are not a target of the drug cartels. The violence is not indiscriminate. In fact, it is very, very discriminate. Drug gangs vs. drug gangs, not drug gangs vs. bonefisherman.

In short… you can go to Mexico without being worried about drug violence. Don’t get overconfident though, you still shouldn’t drink the water.

Oct 12

Geofish is out… and it looks awesome.

I met the Geofish team at the Costa booth in Reno and I got to hear them talking about the journey, the time spent, the sacrifices and the passion they had for this project. It made me want to see this movie really, really badly. It’s here now and it looks… A-MAZE-ING.

One of the key characters isn’t even a person, it is Jay’s beard. That beard is epic.

The Beard.

This whole project is something that Costa got behind in a really big way. Impressive to see a company support a project like this so hard.  Way to go Costa.

May 12

A Boca Paila DIY video

Well… that looks interesting… very interesting indeed.

Some folks probably won’t like me posting that. It’s probably their secret.  Luckily, there are enough secrets out there that they can’t possibly all be as secret as you think.