Feb 13

A tournament I might like

Out here on the West Coast there are a few fishing tournaments, but not many.  Most anglers never get within casting range of one.

I’ve been seeing some news about a tournament out in FL that sounds a bit more like my kind of thing.  The Salt Fly tournament is a

“low barrier to entry, grass roots tournament design to encourage the interest and growth of saltwater fly fishing. The demographics is wide ranging. The
first sold out roster included beginners, local fisherman, guides and even contestants flying in from far away as Colorado and Boston.”

See? That sounds kind of cool, right?

They’ve got some nice sponsorships, like Scott, G Loomis, TFO, Nautilus, Yeti, Scientific Anglers, Costa, Hells Bay and Simms (and, of course, Skinny Water Culture).

Now, I’m not ready to fly out to Tampa for this just yet (and they are sold out anyway). Still… I might think about this in the future. If nothing else, it sounds like a great party.


Jan 11

South Andros trip primer From Salty Shores

A no nonsense, no fluff guide to fishing South Andros Bahamas. (mainly because I’m too lazy to type a novel) 😉

via South Andros bonefishing trip primer, part 3: The fishing.

Well… I’d say this is worth a look.  Sam Root over at Salty Shores is one hell of a photographer too.  Sam put together a few posts about his South Andros experiences and I’d say they are worth reading.  Check them out.

Jul 10

Joe Gonzalez and Salty Shores

This is just a teaser for my interview with Biscayne Bay guide Joe Gonzalez which will be up on Tuesday.  This pic is courtesy of Sam Root at Salty Shores.
