Nov 17

Bahamas Regs… where things stand now at the end of 2017

I’ve been traveling, so haven’t posted more about this, but I’m sneaking a few minutes here at work to get some more news out.

The Bahamas regs put into place earlier in the year are still on the books, but won’t be enforced until a thorough review can take place. 

I’ve seen this from two sources and am trying to get an official confirmation.

So, you can go to the Bahamas and fish however you are used to fishing. For the short/intermediate term, things revert to how they’ve always been.

This makes me want to put the Bahamas back on my travel list for 2018. The uncertainty caused by the regulations have hit the Bahamas hard. Business is down, for most lodges, between 25-50%. That’s a big hit for some places that eek by to begin with. What the govt. of the Bahamas wants to do now is encourage their anglers to come back. So… consider it. I know for me a cold Kalik would go down pretty well.


Here is Beau Beasly’s recent article from MidCurrent.

It is almost certain a license will remain part of what happens down the road, but not until you can get that license on-line, easily, and without having to go to a govt. office that isn’t even open on weekends.

I think most everything else is up for review and I hope it is a thoughtful, inclusive process and produces an end product that puts the Bahamas at the top of resource management. One can hope.

Feb 11

TheFin.com: Andros

The Fin just got back from a few days in Andros… yeah… Andros.  He put up one heck of a report about it with lots of nuggets of information.  Check it out.

Day 2: On day 2 we all agreed that we would try the famous West side of Andros in hopes of not only finding lots of bonefish, but big ones.

via TheFin.com: Andros Island Fishing & Trip Report – Andros Island Bonefish Club.