Jun 10

Tag Ends – 6-15-10

A few things from around the web.

May 10

Microskiff and the Ankona Native SUV

I’m going to say right up front front that I know nothing about boats.

Still, I am fascinated by those shallow drafting boats that roam  the flats… they are, often, just beautiful.

I saw a video on This is Fly Daily that was a video review for the Ankona Native SUV.

Now… that boat… the Native SUV… is CHEAP!  The base is $2,900 and the boat pretty well loaded is about $7,000-9,000. I don’t really know how much of a bonefishing boat this might be… probably better for snook and baby tarpon in the back country, but that’s just me guessing.


Microskiff.com is a great source for small boat needs and the video review that showed up in This is Fly Daily is the first video review that Microskiff has done.  They have a lot of great information on Microskiff.com and I’d probably be on the site a lot… if I didn’t live in the SF Bay Area with no conceivable use for a small skiff.

A guy can dream though.

May 10

Happy Mother’s Day and Tag Ends 5/9/10

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there… really, there are probably very, very few moms reading this, but, still… cheers.

My mother lured my father into thinking she was going to fish, but after the wedding, she never fished again, or so goes the local folklore.

My wife, mother of my 3 year old, tried fishing very, very briefly on a trip to Montana/Yellowstone.  She saw a big snake in the grass along the Firehole and also rather forcefully declines my assistance with her casting while at a high mountain lake going after Yellowstone Cutts… those two episodes concluded her short-lived and undistinguished fishing career.

Still, there are some great angling women/mothers out there for my little girl to take as role models on the water.

A few other bits from around the web, non-mom related:

  • Moldy Chum with some… disturbing bits about the Gulf oil leak.
  • This is Fly Daily picks up the One Surf Fly story… see, that is starting to look like fun… and that SoCal surf looks a lot more agreeable than the Santa Cruz breakers.
  • Nice little post from our friend over at Flatswalker about our “quiet” sport.
  • MyTurksandCaicosBlog has a bit about mangroves… I love mangroves.
  • Trip report from Skinny Water Culture down in the Keys.

Apr 10

Tag Ends – 4-18-10

Some bits and pieces from around the web.

  • A REALLY good interview with Dr. Aaron Adams on the Fishing Jones blog.
  • An interview with… wait for it… wait for it… ME on the A Bad Backcast blog.
  • Skinny Water Culture 2nd Annual Tarpon Season Kick-off (or, yet another reason I wish I lived in FL), via This is Fly Daily.

Jan 10

Skinny Water Cultue Blog

I’ve been a fan of Skinny Water Culture since I found them last year in my search for some non-lame bonefish t-shirts.  I’m actually wearing one of their shirts right now (check out their gear here).  They put out some pretty good looking products and they seem to know what they are talking about.  That’s why I was happy to see, via This is Fly Daily, that they have started a blog.  A few visits to the blog and I know it’ll be a regular stop for me.

Check it out here.

Check it out.

Jan 10

Bermuda Bone Vid

A 10 pound bonefish from Bermuda… and I don’t think his rod has a fighting butt!  I saw someone say this was on the TIF blog, and indeed, it was.  The This is Fly Blog is the daily fix for those of us waiting for the full editions of e-zine to come out.  Worth a bookmark.

Dec 09

Delektable Boneyard from TIF

This is Fly Daily recently put up a bonefish pattern by Dan Delekta.  If you can tie a Gotcha (and, really, who CAN’T?), then you can tie up this pattern.

Turns out I’ve been to their fly shop, the Beartooth, just off the Madison.  If you’ve headed from Ennis to West Yellowstone or $3 Bridge, you’ve passed it too.

From TIF, Click to see more