Apr 10

Tag Ends – 4-23-10

Some bits and pieces from around the web.

  • The Vieques Angler points out the parallels to Belize.
  • Headhunter’s blog gives more love to the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust interview from Fishing Jones.
  • An AWESOME story from Moldy Chum about a first bonefish.
  • A Bad Backcast looks forward to some kayak tarpon action.

In other news, my interviews for the coming weeks are Bill Marts from The Fly Shop and…. Yvon Chouinard from Patagonia.  I do one a week, so Bill in next week and Yvon will follow.

Aug 09

Vieques Bonefish

Vieques, Puerto Rico… yes, the place we used to drop bombs on… turns out, might have some pretty interesting fishing too.  Vieques has several things going for it… first, it’s a US Territory, so travel is a little less complicated.  Second, you can actually camp there (although I’ve read not to leave anything in your tent when you leave for the day).  Third, and most importantly, there are bonefish there.  How many?  How big?  How hard/easy?  I have no frigging idea… but they are there.

There are a couple of guides that work the island… one of them has a blog (The Vieques Angler), which I read.

I found a story (in the NYT, of all places) about bones on Vieques and wrote the author.  He said that there were flats you could walk out on, and that for around $15 a day you could even rent a kayak that would get you to other, more promising flats.  This makes the island a good possible DIY/Self Guided location.

This is another trip that has some real potential to come in under that magical $1,000 threshold that makes it easier to negotiate on the home-front.

Vieques… looks nice.