UPDATE: This promotion is over. I didn’t win… which makes me think it was totally fixed! How could I have not been drawn out of the hundreds or thousands that entered???
That’s a silly question isn’t it? Kind of like “would you like to be happy?” or “would you like a Newcastle?” Silly questions indeed.
Well, Deneki Outdoors has a give away going on and all you have to do is sign up for their blog newsletter. Um… that’s easy.
In the interests of both telling folks about cool bonefishing news and thining out the competition, I should tell you that the blog updates each are 28 MB and clog your in-box and are full of naked pictures of Janet Reno. Yeah, you may not want to sign up… ya know… I’ll take one for the team and let you know if anything interesting is in there. 😉
Their lodge is on South Andros and, sadly, looks fantastic. I say sadly because, sadly, I’m not there and likely won’t win. I know I should be happy for whoever wins… but I won’t be. I’ll be bitter and angry, probably for months/years.
I seem to write a lot about Deneki Outdoors and that is for one simple reason… they (really, he) consistently put out interesting/informative content about bonefish.
Tags: bonefishing, Deneki Outdoors, Free, South Andros