Did you know that Linnaeus (a Swede) first described the bonefish in 1758? Me either. Well, I mean, I know that now, but I didn’t know about it, ya know, before I leaned that. Nevermind.
Anyway, I thought I’d find some science to share with you good people and find it I did.
There is a 2009 study, conducted by Vanessa Haley, which put acoustic tags in bonefish on Andros and then sat back and waited to see (or hear) what happened.
An article about the paper said:
The conventional wisdom has always been that bonefish are homebodies. But until recently, this was never tested. What we have learned and continue to discover will surprise you.
The actual paper is here.
So… read some science people. I’m going to take my college studying approach and let you good people do the reading and then tell me about it so I get the benefit of the knowledge, without the time and effort of reading (worked once, figured I’d try it again).

Science is awesome.
Bjorn — Thanks for posting — a fascinating study. Having fished Andros every November for the past 14 years, the paper confirms a lot of anecdotal observations. One of the highlights of fall fishing there is encountering lots of schools of fish moving south along the West Side and along the north shore of the North Bight. The guides always suggested that these were spawning related migrations and now its confirmed. Now if we can only find out where young A.V. aggregate in the Keys!
It seemed like a properly conducted scientific study and report. I hope it is used for building more information for conservation practices. On my last trip to Acklins Is. the guide wasn’t insisting we were “releasing bonefish in areas with low shark abundance.” We angler can teach the guides on good practice based on scientific studies.