A LR Grand Slam

My world view is a little off, I suppose. I hear that Hugo Chavez has died and the first thing that comes to mind is Los Roques.

I’ve never been, but I know plenty of people who have and it sounds like a pretty cool place. Pelicans crashing schools of baitfish and the bones slurping up the stunned fish… yeah, I might be up for that.

Saw a story about a grand slam in the LR over at Fly Paper, Scott Heywood’s blog. One fish stood out… that is one big trigger.

Damn big fish there.

Damn big fish there.

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  1. That’s OK, Oliver Stone and Sean Penn will shed enough tears for him for everyone …..

  2. ….and the rest of Hollywood is surely already working on a special to honor him as a great humanitarian.

  3. Yeah, I didn’t hold him in high regard. I didn’t shed any tears.

  4. OK, here are the details on the big trigger from Doug Root:
    Doug says…
    Not surprising. It was pretty random. I didn’t weigh it, but I would estimate it in the 15 to 20 lb range. It was definitely well over 10 lbs and probably well over 15 lbs, but I am a terrible judge without a boga grip. My buddy actually looked up the world record and said it was 13 lbs so maybe I could have had something there if I even knew what I was catching. I was still shocked to see that fish feeding on the flat.

    I got it on a bonefish bitters. It was basically tailing on an angle on the flat. I thought it was a ray at first and was going to pass it by but I asked the boatmen what it was while the guide was down the flat with my wife and while he couldn’t tell me what it was he told me to cast at it. I casted at it a few times and stripped and it wouldn’t move toward the fly at all so I just left the fly sitting on the bottom in front of him/her in the turtle grass and next thing I knew it was blowing off the flat and peeling line. It was awesome. The horn on it’s head is incredible.

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