I’m just going to leave this here for y’all to peruse at your leisure. Here are a few of the stories about the new regulations in the Bahamas, set to go into effect on Jan. 9, despite the whole nation being woefully unprepared for the mechanism the law lays out.
Abaco Guides Fear ‘Irreparable Harm’ Via New Regulation
New Regulations a “Slap in the Face” says, Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association
Fly Fishing Penalties ‘Draconian, Hostile’
Bahamas Moves to Protect Fly Fishing Industry
Fly Fishing Rules ‘One Of Most Important Laws Since Majority Rule’
Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association Blasts New Bahamas Flats Fishing Regulations
Just an aside… the Bahamian government websites (like this) where people would actually go to see what the regulations are do not, in fact, have any of that information up yet… and it is supposed to all start on Monday.
I have emailed the ministry to try to determine where I can secure a license on Eleuthera next week. Their response was that until they are available online I can purchase one from Customs and Immigration when I arrive or from the Island Administrator later. Hmmm, this should be interesting!
Crestfallen/despondent over the proposed flats fishing regulations.
Pete Viau
Real bummer about those flats regulations. Alot of very sad anglers.
Troy Denson
Mount This Fish Company