Being Thankful

It’s Thanksgiving Week so I’m thinking about what I’m thankful for.  Here’s a sample.

I’m thankful for my little girl.

I’m thankful for tropical places with wonderful people where I make memories to last a lifetime.

I’m thankful for the good people that work for and around the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.

I’m thankful for this little community that has formed around this thing I write.  It may not feel like a community to you, since you guys don’t usually interact with each other, but I get to hear a lot of stories and have made some friendships through this blog that I never could have otherwise.

I’m thankful for a solid, top shelf childhood and the gift of fishing.

I’m thankful for Diet Coke… no, really… I am.

I’m thankful for ellipses… they are so… useful.

I’m thankful for the people who have taught me what I now know about bonefishing and I’m thankful to the people I’ve yet to meet, who will teach me more.

I’m thankful to all the folks I’ve interviewed who gave a little bit of time to share their stories.

I’m thankful that I’m going to Hawaii in a week and a half and I didn’t have to clear anything with “central command.”

Thanks to all of you for being a reader and sharing your own thoughts and stories and pictures.

This is what I'm most thankful for.


  • Unique Post

1 comment

  1. Amen

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