A tournament at El Pescador featured tagging of bones, permit and tarpon. Sounds kind of awesome. The tournament was held by El Pescador for the benefit of the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.
[vimeo clip_id=”35775583″]
Tags: Belize, bonefishing, El Pescador, fly fishing
Dude, thanks yet again for the props! Made my week by pushing my site stats to (what’s for me) stratospheric levels. Sweetness.
Seriously, though, how the hell do you do this? How do you post every day? I think it’s taken the last few years for me to realize the true immensity of this accomplishment… and it’s not constant recycled YouTubery either, quality stuff about real bonefishiness.
BTW: I just now saw the comment on my dashboard from Rod over at DIYflatsfishing. A month too late! I’m trying to work out how to properly kick my own head in for missing such an opportunity. 🙁 But, thanks for the reference for the chance anyways. I’ve cleaned up my dashboard of un-assessed comments so that should never happen again. Still, sadness.
Thanks man. I try hard to keep this thing going forward.
I won’t be on that trip with Rod, but it sounds like a very, very good time. Some day we’ll get on the water together and I expect to hear your best stories.