This is where I’d normally reflect on the year that has been and there would be maybe a couple saltwater trips in there… bonefish caught, memories made.
Not this year.
There was no trip to the salt (the warm salt) in 2020 as COVID-19 screwed up plans all over the place. I was going to be fishing Abaco with friends in May, but, alas… no.
Who knows what 2021 will hold? My wife will get her vaccine in the next couple weeks, as an MD. Last I checked I was about 260,000,000th in line for mine. There won’t be a saltwater trip until that happens, so, 2021 may, or may not be my return to the salt.
I hope all of you are safe, getting some fishing in, and that you get your vaccine when and if you are able to.
All that said, it has been a good year for me, considering. I got my boy into a bunch of trout on one trip and a bunch of sharks near our house. He’s been willing to get up at 6:30 to go fishing in the cold. His interest in nature is exploding and I’ve been able to feed into it.

I haven’t seen my daughter as much as I’d like this last year due to COVID, but she’s started surfing, which is her own thing, and makes me really excited for her. She got to fish with us a couple times as well, which was really, really nice.
Work has exploded on me. The lab I work for is doing COVID testing and I’ve pretty much sold 100% of our capacity, which is good and stressful.
We’ve been healthy. My 78 year old dad has remained healthy(ish). We’ve been hold up on our little street and have kept our world as small as possible and I feel confident we are going to get through this.
I hope you have survived 2020 and I wish you health and happiness and maybe a bonefish or tarpon in 2021.

Nice shorts.
You know, it’s sounds like a great year even with the COVISH! Family and a nice roof over your head, satisfying work is not a lot to be appreciative of! The bonefish are waiting for you… and me. I had a big slow down for temp ER work and had to cancel a trip to the Bahamas in March due to less income. That’s a frigging first. It will steady out and maybe I’ll be back there in the fall. I got the shot! Anyway, keep on doing a great job at home and appreciate your work for the greater good! Peace out!
Stay healthy. Glad you got the shot!
You know you want a pair.
Fingers crossed Operation Warp Speed picks up the pace on the deployment. Not promising so far, but maybe the new folks in charge will speed things up come January.
Happy New Year Bjorn, it’s definitely got to be better than the last.