I love the longer days.
One thing I kind of hate about winter is the later afternoon darkening. The world seems so less full of possibilities when it is dark at 5:00.
Now, it is still light after dinner. That means I can be a good husband and father and still manage to sneak away for a bit to fling flies in the Bay.
So, I did.
The stripers aren’t here yet, at least not in numbers sufficient for me to find them… or not where I know where to look, I suppose. I have a lot more to learn about chasing stipers in San Francisco Bay, but that’s part of the process. You have to suck at something before you can be good at it.
The fish count yesterday was 0 stripers and 1 Jack Smelt.
I’ll take it.

The sun finally setting on the SF Bay in late May.
Tags: San Francisco Bay
Hey…Nice Post. Yes there are people out in the world reading your little blog. Good job on getting out there. I love bonefishing as you do and still need to plan the next trip, yet you always have to fish your home waters. For me it is Michigan on the West side including rivers like the Muskegon River, Pere Marquette River, The Grand River, and the Rogue. I just got back from a little stint in the Smokey Mountains for brook trout. Had a great time with my new Steffen Fiberglass 8′, 3-4 weight. I enjoy your blog and encourage you to keep blogging. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.
Excellent that you’re getting out. There are lots of different fish in the bay that’ll take a fly. That means a lot of blind casting, which kinda socks, especially if you’re chucking a clouser. Occasionally you might be lucky enough to see bait busting, or birds in action, but you have to pay your dues & spend some time out there. Halibut come over to your side of the bay and there’s also salmon, rockfish, and other little smelt and mackerel type fish out there. I still talk with some of my old guide compadres in norcal and as is the case in a lot of places, unfortunately the fishing in SF Bay is not the same as it once was