Mentally, I can see Long Island. I can see it coming into view.
This has been a harder trip to get my head around. My dad won’t be on the trip because my mom is at home with terminal cancer. That’s kind of a big thing. One of the biggest.
I also just added a son to the family. Oliver is now 2.5 months old and, by present indications, he is going to be a big, big kid. I never thought I’d have a second child. I never thought I’d have a son. Now, I do.
Amidst all this, the Bahamas is coming into sight. The island, the people, the fish, the experience of standing shin deep in the water with hope.
Normally, I think going fishing when you have things on your mind is a bad idea. You have to leave it all at the dock if you are going to have a good trip. You have to be able to let it all go and be totally in the moment. That may be harder to do on this trip, but it is worth a shot.

On my mind.
The group I’ll be fishing with seems like a lot of fun. The weather is supposed to be windy, but sunny (wind, in the Bahamas, who knew?).
Looking forward to seeing my first grey ghost of 2014.
Tags: Long Island
Enjoy the trip, friend.
rough news about your Mom. Sorry.