I like this place.
Made it to the McCloud River today with buddy Shane to prospect for bonefish. Once again I was foiled in my bonefishy pursuit! Drat!
Since we were there, we figured we might as well do some trout fishing. It was November and this was the McCloud (which closes on the 15th). Turns out, there are still trout in the McCloud.

Nice fish, an honest 18"
The colors were out too…

More purdiness.
There was more than one trout in the river, as it turns out. I find this good news.

Look! A trout! What are the odds?!
This was the McCloud Preserve, The Nature Conservancy property. It is such a beautiful place. All 10 tags were out today (including the two of us). Fish were mostly on either eggs or smallish, pt-ish, buggy things.
There were approximately 12 Billion October Caddis bouncing among the tree tops along the banks and about 3 on the water. There were about 28 hundred million thousand little black winter stoneflies and about 3 different species of mayflies out, including one, lone Pink Albert. None of these bugs were being eaten on the surface.
I threw streamers a bit and had a follow from a fish that was large enough to loose an involuntary bowel movement or two. It didn’t eat. Tease.
The average fish was bigger today… a delightful day. Plenty of fish caught, beautiful fall colors, fishing with a good friend. No complaints.
I will continue to search for Bonefish in my home waters… I’m sure if I want it bad enough I can make it happen. Right?
Tags: McCloud River