The blog has come out with another post. His is one of my favorite blogs. Check it.
Tags: bonefishing, Flatswalker
The blog has come out with another post. His is one of my favorite blogs. Check it.
Tags: bonefishing, Flatswalker
Thanks so much for the props. Very much appreciated again.
In return I’ve got to say that you’re doing a grand slam job here with this blog. Lots of good, applicable stuff on a regular basis. Props back atcha, bro.
Wish I wasn’t so busy and could update my site more… but that’s life at the moment. I would say life “at the edge”, but who’s to say if we’re on the edge itself, or just a little ways back? …on reflection I think a little ways back. Those dudes hurling monster crab flies to southern permit in downunderland are really on the edge. Good call adding that clip to the site.
Tight lines.
You bet man, I really do enjoy your writing. Thanks for the kind words on the site. I’m enjoying it and learning a ton, which was the point of this all to begin with… that and to give myself something to do after I put my daughter down for sleep at night. I’ve been trying to make it just full of content, grabbing stuff worth looking at from around the web… at this rate I’ll run out some time next year! That Oz Permit action looks pretty frigging cool… couldn’t pass that up.
Be well,