I am, really, a novice at all things bonefish (sadly, interest level does not equate to experience). Still, it makes me feel a bit retro to be tying up one of the “early” bonefish patterns, The Horror.
The guide I ended up booking for my one day of guided fishing in Grand Bahama, Captain Perry, has the Horror on his list of flies to have in your box. I read in Chico’s book (read the Midcurrent.com review) that he still likes the pattern as well. Doesn’t require a lot of materials (brown buck tail, chenille, thread). Sounds good.
So, I sat down and tied some. Man… these have to be the easiest flies to tie since the Sweet Earnies!
I found this little history of the fly, which makes for an interesting read.
told ya so a tuff of boo on top makesit morebetter
Thanks. I’ll try that.
I use Horrors! But the hot pink sweet earnies are like curry to a pisshead.