I think my plans for Belize 2010 are turning into Belize 2011 plans. By that time my money tree should be bearing fruit… that’s what the guy who sold it to me said, anyway.
This has be wondering what it might cost for a little bit of that San Diego bonefish action.
On the Fly isn’t too bad at $450 for about 5-6 hours.
Now, this isn’t flats fishing (see, cause there aren’t any flats). The rods are 6-8’s with shooting heads and the method is the cast/strip/cast/strip method you might use to prospect for small mouth. That doesn’t sound exactly like what the ideal bonefish experience might look like, but it is a good substitute when you live in California and don’t want to spend $800 on a flight somewhere more bonefishey.
There are other outfitters, of course. It looks like Conway Bowman’s outfit does some inshore trips, but I’m hoping I’m misreading the rate, as it would rank up there with the most expensive bonefishing in the world ($787.50 for two???????). Maybe I’m not reading that right… I’m hoping not, as that would be nucking futs, but, there is a lot of nucking futs out there.
Tags: bonefish, bonefishing, On the Fly, San Diego Bay
I fish San Diego Bay nearly every weekend mainly in the back bay where the largest population of bonefish hang out. Two weekends ago we landed 8 bonefish to 20″ on 6 weight fly rods with 6# leaders. I am not a licensed guide at this point, working on my captain’s license now, so I do not charge to take people fishing. I only ask for assistance on expenses. I am doing this to learn from other fishermen, gain experience, have fun and meet new people. If you would like more information go to my website, http://www.enlamosca.com or email me at rday@enlamosca.com.
Hi Bob, well, $20 would be the least expensive trip ever! Might just have to check that out.