I thought we’d start off the week with a cool little story from Scott Heywood over on the Fly Paper blog.
A day like this is a rare gift. These islands own a hot sun, making wind a constant companion for the bonefisherman. Learn to live with it or quit… it’s your choice. But this morning had dawned calm and it was still dead calm. There was not the slightest exhalation coming off the big island of Andros. These are the kind of days you dream about… a few wispy clouds, a few small thunderheads way off on the horizon and a sea as slick and quiet as a marble slab in a morgue.
Glassy days. I haven’t seen many of those, but I did have one in Belize for my honeymoon. I know the conditions he’s talking about, even if he actually had good fishing that day and I got skunked. Still, calm days can be really tough. The fish see you from a mile away and the lack of wind, that same wind we curse when it blows in our faces, makes the air bake, and you with it.

Scott’s story is from Andros, which, among all the islands in the Caribbean, is special for the miles and miles of mangroves which serve as a nursery for all manner of species.
Love this place.
Tags: Andros, bonefishing, Fly Paper, Scott Heywood, stillness
Slicked off conditions are what everyone dreams about – they’re so surreal – but goodness the fish can get tough. Sure is amazing when you find them actively feeding though. Great writeup by Scott from a place I’m dying to fish.