A nice little write up on Stu Apte (and Captain Vaughn Cochran) fishing at Black Fly Bonefish Club in Abaco can be found on the Black Fly blog.
There’s a plug for Airgate Aviation which flies from Daytona to Abaco… direct. The pricing is a little… um… steep… but maybe there is some magic in there that brings the cost down.
How’s the fishing?
We rig up, get our boots on, pick our fly and hit the water. We walk about 50 feet and here comes the first fish, then another, and another…the fish are leaving the flat on the outgoing tide and they’re feeding along the way.
Doesn’t sound like it sucks.
Tags: Abaco, Bahamas, Black Fly Bonefish Club, bonefishing, Captain Vaughn Cochran, flyfishing, Stu Apte
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