As you may have gathered, we recently moved up to Alameda, an island city in the Bay Area. We are super close to a beach with a huge hard sand flat. I was wondering if anyone fished it at high tide with bait and when I saw an angler a couple weeks ago I decided to give it a go.
We fished a little bit from the beach last weekend and had a couple of nibbles, but no fish to hand.
Today, in-between storms we tried it again.
And… pay-dirt.
We managed five small leopard sharks from the beach, about 150 feet from the house. I’m kind of loving this place.

New Home Shark
And no… it was not swimming weather, but this girl knows no such thing as cold.
It got me thinking… I might be able to catch a shark just by wading out and blind casting with a fly rod. I may have to give that a try. We’ll see.
PS – I forgot to mention this. One of the leopards actually jumped. It jumped when it got near the beach and spit the hook like a tarpon. I’ve never seen that before. So. Much. Fun.