Oct 11

Norman – Andros South

Another photo and story from Louis Cahill.

I fished with Norman at FIBFest, earlier this year.  I was a bit intimidated by him before getting on the boat.  I had heard he was tough.

He wasn’t. Really, he was solid.

Here’s a picture that photog extraordinaire Louis Cahill took.  Go to his blog to read the details.

Oct 11

Louis and the Slack Tide

Some love for a place he’s taken a few pictures of… Louis Cahill talks The Slack Tide Bar. Check it out.

Oct 11


I was only there a week, but it feels very much like a part of my soul.

Deneki put up some pictures and I love every single one.

Sep 11

Until after the election is over…

I’m just going to pretend I’m here…

I already know who I’m going to vote for, and odds are good if you don’t know, you at least know which party.  We could have the whole thing wrapped up in a couple hours if were were really industrious (and I wish we were). Instead, it will be all false modesty and ginned up outrage and plans for this and plans for that and, sadly, we’ll eat it up like an Androsian bone going after something with lots of rubber legs and craft fur.

Oh, I’d rather all the politicians just shut up and put as much effort into making things right as they do in pointing out everything that is wrong.

However, since that goes against the laws of politics, I’m just going to pretend I’m at the Slack Tide, having a Kalik and enjoying some good company and that no one is talking politics.

Sep 11

Thoughts on Stripping

If I’ve screwed up in bonefishing, and I have… plenty… I probably have done the most damage with my stripping.  I can get a little too in my head, over thinking the problem and coming up with some modified strip that just scares the hell out of the fish and leaves that fantastic V of a bonefish that has just had enough of your $h*t.

Glad to see a story from Deneki about stripping.

photo credit - Andrew Bennett


Aug 11

Andros South vs. Hurricane Irene

For those of you keeping score at home, the final result was Andros South 1, Hurricane Irene 0.

They made it through.


Our team on South Andros is safe and sound, and we experienced no damage from the storm.

That from the Captain of the Andros South team.

Good news.

Aug 11

Andros South… minus sound

OK, I don’t seem to have any sound on this, but, it is still awesome.

Andros South. I miss this place very, very badly.



Jun 11

Bonefishing Report from a Rookie – Deneki Blog

You can always count on the Deneki Blog to deliver the goods.

I manage to hook my thumb first thing. A few practice casts, lots of opportunities, lots of failed casts to get to the fish, loads of flailing. “Cast now! Tip down! Strip, strip, strip!!!” again and again and again. Man, Charlie has loads of patience. I’m casting at fish I can’t see, I’m casting half the distance where the fish supposedly is, the wind is totally screwing any chance I have of getting the fly close to the fish. “Strip, strip, strip!!” “Little guy on!!” I’m not skunked, I couldn’t be happier. Got the little guy in the boat, and fumbled around in an attempt for the picture of possibly my only fish.

via Bonefishing Report from a Rookie | Kellsey Perkins at Andros South.



May 11

One of the best bars anywhere…

It just so happens that there’s a great local bar at the put in. It’s commonly know as the ‘Little Creek Bar’ even though its real name is the ‘New Ocean View’. The Sands family runs the bar, and yes, that is indeed the clan of our legendary guide Josie Sands.

via Little Creek Bar | Local Bar at Andros South.

Yeah… it’s a nice place… a very nice place.  It isn’t really too fancy (or fancy in any way, shape or form).  It is right where you want a bar though… right at the put-in/take-out down there in South Andros.

Those beers taste extra good, somehow.

A beer at the end of the day... nice.

Photo by Cameron.

PS – Today is my first day on the new job… Business Development Manager at Whodini.  I’m guessing there will be fewer co-workers walking around in their underpants than in my last job as a stay-at-home dad… I hope, at least.


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Apr 11

Hunting for Bonefish and Steelhead | Tom Larimer Guest Post

Another FIBFest related post from the good folks at Deneki.

Photo by Cameron Miller

Chasing bonefish had never held huge appeal to me… after all, I’m a steelhead angler that thrives on punishment. Give me a river full of fish and I start losing interest – the hunt is what captivates me.

via Hunting for Bonefish and Steelhead | Tom Larimer Guest Post.

Tom Larimer wrote another good piece for the Deneki Blog about the hunting aspects of bonefishing compared to steelheading.  I have to say, the hunting aspect of bonefishing is something that really grabs me.  That you have to see the fish before you catch it… you have to know where to expect it and when it will be there, then you have to make the cast and get the retrieve right… I love it.

I imagine that it has a lot of parallels to hunting, although I’m not a hunter myself.  You have to know where the elk or deer or grouse are going to be.  You have to get in the right position.  You have to see your target and you have to make the shot.

Of course, you get to let your bonefish go.