Jan 10

Want to be Buff?

For those of you who  don’t know, Buff’s are fantastic… forget the floppy hats that can’t stand up to a breeze, now you can wear your favorite baseball cap out on the flat with your Buff to keep you sunburn and skin cancer free.

Buff now has a Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Buff so you can fish for bonefish and support bonefish conservation all at the same time… and let’s face it… you probably need a little good Karma boost for all that bad stuff you did when you were  young and obnoxious.

Just don't wear this into your local bank.

Dec 09

New Lid, BTT

My old fishing hat has gone missing.  I loved that hat.  I wore it all the time.  It had started as a deep, forest green hat from one of my favorite companies, Patagonia.  It fit well.  It had stains on its stains and it was faded to a lovely light and dusty green.  I even took a picture of that hat.

Oh hat... I miss you.

I have considered  calling the police, since I fear foul play may have been involved.

So, I’ve been in the market for a new hat.  With the arrival of Buffs, we can now wear caps on the flats/fishing in general without concern about catching cancer along with our fish.  My people, we don’t tan.

I have found my new cap and it came in the mail today… the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust cap is now mine… to be seen on a flat nowhere near much of anything in 2010.

Cool cap for a good cause

BTT now has Pirates of the Flats and after seeing episode one with that fishing fashion icon Tom Brokaw sporting this same cap, I’m glad I got in early before the rush.

Nov 09

Vallarta II

Second day from the beach today.  Good times were had.  Not big fish, but lots of them.  This isn’t flats fishing or sight fishing, but it is a lot of fun on a family vacation.  Must have landed 25 or so little Jack Crevelle, just myself, out there at the river mouth all by myself.  Came back and my daughter wasn’t up from her nap yet.  Nice.

Basically, I go to the river mouth here in Vallarta and throw a sly line on my 7 wt. with a clouser and… well… it is fun.  Not big fish, but lots of them.  Great for a family vacation where the focus is on pool time with my daughter and wife.

I got a Buff for this trip (and for the Bahamas in January).  I was worried it would be too hot.  It isn’t.  It = Totally Ruling.  No sunburn on my neck or on my nose or… anywhere.  I’m pretty frigging impressed with Buffs.

Lots of these make for a fun time.