Jan 13

The Cliff Crab Shack and Bjorn Fly Give Away

OK… I think I know what we are going to do to give away the Cliff’s Crab Shack box that Cliff Outdoors gave me. First, I need to fill it with flies. My target # is 24. I’ll update over the coming weeks to show you how the box is coming along.

Once it is all filled and ready for you to go catch some fish I’ll put up a new post with the completed box and you will need to comment with one thing that happened on a fishing trip (preferably bonefishing, but it doesn’t have to be). Just one random thing. Anything. Sticking to random, I’ll choose a random winner and send this box off to them.

So, in the immortal words of Eric Cantona, “Watch this space.”

This is where the flies go.

This is where the flies go.

Jan 13

Crab Shack

The flu is still with me and I hope that explains why I’ve been a little slow on the postings this week.

I got a package in the mail yesterday. It was mostly destroyed and it came in a plastic bag from the USPS with a note saying “whoa, totally sorry about destroying your package.” I paraphrased. Inside the ravaged package was a box from Cliff Outdoors and the box was, somehow, totally unharmed. Awesome.

The box was given to me (thanks Cliff) to fill up with my flies and give away to you good people.

With my brain full of flu, I put in the box what I think would be most useful.

My selection of Vics.

My selection of Vics.

I may think better of this in the morning. Stay tuned. I need to fill up the box and then figure out a good way to decide who to give this to.

Why a Cliff Box? Well, that is what I use myself.  Typically, I bring two boxes out, both Cliff Bugger Barns and any pack I take out needs to fit those two boxes, which are a little longer than most others and certainly longer than this Crab Shack. I like the boxes. They hold the flies well and it is easy to get the flies in and out. I also like that those boxes are made in Wyoming and not China.