The most recent issue of This is Fly is out and not only is it their longest yet, all full of fishy goodness, but it has two, COUNT ‘EM, TWO, stories on bonefish.
This, of course, meets with my approval.
The first story is about Coach Duff and those big, huge, massive, unreasonably large bones of the Aloha State. You can find that story here.

- Richard from Seattle with a 10.8 pound bonefish, caught with Coach Duff
The second story was by one of the guys behind This is Fly, Paris Fleezanis. This story takes the TIF crew to Andros and Kamalame Cay.

- This, I believe, is Paris from another TIF
Kamalame is a place that has shown up on Bones on the Brain before.
TIF, I salute you. Keep putting out the good stuff. They remain the leading edge of the e-zine revolution. A lot was made of the fact that Catch Magazine came out on the same day, but they really are different fish, even if they are both fly fishing-centric. TIF is for those who read the stories and Catch is for those that like the pictures more than the text (I like Catch, even saw some places I’ve fished in this recent episode). TIF adds the crazy art… none of which I’d want in my home, in the homes of my friends, on the walls of my friends’ friends, but, ya know… different strokes.
To keep the paper still circulating, I recently subscribed to two magazines… physical magazines… Fly Fishing in Salt Waters and Fly Rod and Reel. I’m doing my part… ya know, mostly.