It seems if there are two patterns you hear about the most it would be the Gotcha and the Crazy Charlie. In appearance these two flies bear a striking resemblance. There are some differences and they have their own histories… kind of like fire being invented at many places around the same time in history, these flies both came into being.
The Crazy Charlie was the creation of Bob Nauheim according to this step-by-step tutorial.

The Crazy Charlie
The interesting thing to me about this is that what is listed as a Crazy Charlie varies so dramatically. The Crazy above shows saddle hackle in the wing, but you also see this with what looks like craft fur or calf tail.
The tie on both these flies is different… one ties the wing in above the eyes, one below. The placement of the eye is therefore different.

This is also a Crazy Charlie… go figure.
Heck… Wikipedia has this as a Crazy Charlie… flashabou as the wing.
I guess this fly is kind of like flyfishing… it means different things to different people.

Another variation… according to wikipedia.
The Flats Fishing Flies blog posted a story about the Crazy Charlie today as well… here’s the link.
Tags: bonefishing, Crazy Charlie, fly tying, flyfishing