The temptation of running away

So, my Monday was probably worse than yours. I’d wager some money on it.

You see… Monday I got laid off. Money is tight, the next round of funding hasn’t come through and blah, blah, blah you don’t work here anymore.

Now, when the feces hits the fan I think a lot of us anglers have a tenancy to grab a rod and run away to some bit of water somewhere. Those of us with bonefish on the brain may be pulled to grab a rod and a plane ticket to find a bit of water far, far away.

I’m not doing that.

Although, it’s tempting.

not that kind of pink slip

Of course it is tempting to go find a bit of the Bahamas and immerse myself in hunting for bonefish. When you are fishing, you can’t think of anything else. It isn’t that you solve your problems, you simply can’t allow your brain to think of them. You have to focus completely on the task at hand. Anything beyond the moment you are living in is not allowed to rattle around your head.

For some of life’s problems, this approach works. A lot of issues which seem like huge burdens or obstacles simply lose their scariness with a little distance and time.

Not having a job is not one of those things. If I went fishing right now I’d still not have a job when I came back home. So, I’m not going fishing. I’m not going to escape. I’m going to get some options on the table and move on it as quickly as possible.

It does sound good though… really, really good.

The Slack Tide Bar... one of my most favorite places on this planet.

The Slack Tide Bar… one of my most favorite places on this planet.

I’ll save the trip for after I line up a new gig and can take a trip full of confidence. That sounds way, way better to me.




  1. Wow. That is bad news. You have skills. You’ll find something new and better soon.

  2. I’ll bet I do. Exciting time, really.

  3. as they say – “when one door closes another opens” – the energy you put into this blog shows you have talents other than fishing – stay strong Bjorn and the best of luck cos that always is a factor. wishing you good fortune

  4. I echo what Gerald said.

  5. it’s happened to me twice in 52 years of working.
    1) go find something you like to do (sustainably) and do it
    2) if it needed the “next round of funding” it wasn’t a real job anyway

  6. Cheers.

  7. Bjorn that really bites. Another friend of mine has had this happen more times than he deserves but it is all too common in the industry he’s in. Only thing to do is pound the pavement and the scour the interwebs and get back on that horsie so you can ride off to your favorite places again soon. –RJB

  8. Well that sucks, Bjorn. Hope something even better comes your way sooner rather than later.

  9. Sucks. When I got laid off last summer I did exactly what you did and put the kayak on the truck and drove to the Keys to fish for two weeks. It was awesome and great to get away. I understand those who can’t do it, I’m lucky enough to be able to live out of my pickup on not much coin and can still pull it all off.

    What getting laid off did make me realize was that working for something that I didn’t enjoy wasn’t really all that worth it, so when I got back to Virginia I had my website built and got my guiding business going. It’s still only a side gig and doesn’t pay nearly what I used to make, but it sure as hell beats sitting in a cubicle.

    Good luck!

  10. This is where that legendary Bjorn positivity [hell, I can’t even spell that word right] will serve you well. In that same spirit I’d like to share a totally useless proverb by Rumi that reminds me of my place in this world:

    “Keep walking, though there’s no place to get to.”

    Be well, my friend.

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