I’m a fan of cheap, as many of you may know. I like value when it comes to my fly fishing. I like mid-priced rods and I like mid-priced reels and I get a bit excited when I see something that really looks like a deal.
I don’t think that exists for GTs.
A good, cheap, DIY bonefishing trip might come in at $1,200 or so, maybe a little cheaper if you are camping somewhere, but there is still airfare and there is food and maybe some sort of transportation. Seems like getting to the fish once you are actually in one of these places would still take some doing, requiring you to pay someone to get you in position for a shot. Costs on top of costs on top of costs.
GTs tend to live a lot further away than bonefish do. Yeah, there are some in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen anyone foolish enough to promote HI as a GT destination. Beyond that you are talking places that are much harder to get to… Xmas and some other spots in the South Pacific and then the Seychelles and maybe a few other places in the Indian Ocean. The flights alone when you start looking at places like that tend to start at $1,200 and go up from there to maybe as much as $2,500.
The operations fishing GT’s are beyond my budget with a week’s fishing starting around $6,500 and heading north from there. That’s not something I’ll be doing right away.
So… my question to you, the BOTB readers is this… is there such a thing as a budget GT?

That GT would crush most of your bonefishing gear… just say’n.
I went to the Cook Islands last month to fish for bones, which are on Aitutaki island, about 200 miles north of the main island of Rarotonga. Caught some of the smaller blue fin trevally on both islands and heard reports of GTs being caught on Rarotonga. Would think a 12 weight would be the minimum weapon for these brutes. Air New Zealand does a non-stop to Rarotonga from LA once a week, ditto coming back, so its not too out of the way. I have to go back there!!!!!
X-mas Island.
Ground costs approx 2,500.
Airfare to Honolulu, one night in Honolulu, round trip air to X-mas and tips on top of that.
Use miles to get to Honolulu and you’re in the game. Airfare from Honolulu to X-mas and back will cost you 1K.
Try looking at anywhere nth of and including Heavey Bay Australia there every where !
What are the $2,500 ground costs? Is that a lodge/guiding or what, exactly?
The answer is from the US. NO…. Airfare alone is over a grand.
Fiji has plenty, if you are game enough to go remote Fiji, like the area around Lambasa, or the northern Lau group of outer islands. There are cheap ways to get out there, but you need time. Also lots of locals with boats that you can hire very cheaply!
Go Fiji!
Great people also!
Damn you Bjorn, all these GT posts are making the days seem to drag on and on before my first opportunity to have a shot at there brutes in January on Xmas IS. haha! We’ll be doing a week in xmas and going hard after GT’s on a favorable tide. I’d love to guest write a post for you about my experience. One thing I’ve found is there isn’t a whole lot of information out there about fly fishing for GT’s. It’s been overwhelming trying to figure out how to be as prepared as possible for what a lot of people perceive to be the pinnacle of flats species. I’m definitely going to try to write something and be as comprehensive as I can be to try to help other people who want to know what to expect and plan for. One thing I know for a fact is that it isn’t cheap, even if you can find cheap airfare and a cheap guide, remember, you’re going to be fishing for these bad boys in places where you’re not going to have the luxury of replacement rod or reel if something blows up, so having your own back ups is essential.
Tom, I’d love that. You bet. Please do.
GTs… man… what a fish. I love bonefish and have a growing love for tarpon, but man… GTs… so huge and powerful and aggressive. Must Do It!
What is this “Cheap” way to get to Fiji? Looks to me like flights are about $1,500. If there is a slow boat, I can’t find it on the interwebs.
Hey Bjorn
Currently in playa del carmen just south of Cancun. Have been able to hook up with a guide down here who absolutely loves fishing for GTs. Have been able to hook a half dozen in last couple days , out of a panga but casting flies and also casting poppers with a spin reel. Cost to us for the week is 2500 at the Valentin and 300/ day up to 3 people for the guide. Reply to above email if interested in more info
southeast florida has huge jacks that could could satisfy your need…
GT’s… in Mexico? That would be news… http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Caranx-ignobilis.html
I do love all Jacks though… they pull hard.
What is a favorable tide for GTs on Christmas Island?
I am south of Cancun right now, just had two days at Pesca Maya and now at an all-inclusive resort close to the Valentin. Can you give me contact info. for the guide you used? Do you think fly-fishing with him would be possible or just spinning?
did not see your e-mail in your post.
I haven’t been yet so this is just based off of research and what I’ve read or got from other people’s experiences. But the consensus seems to be that more GT’s come onto the flats and into the lagoon during the spring tides, so during full, or new moon phases.
Thanks Tom. That would make sense. Big bodies need deep water to feel secure.