Another day here in Vallarta, still no bonefish. However… today I caught a Toro, also known as a Pacific Jack Crevalle, that was 12.8 pounds. I’ve caught a ton of these down here… but mostly around a pound… this fish was just lovely. Had me so far in my backing I could see the spool. Probably broke my 7 wt. reel, actually. Took about 20 minutes to land.
I couldn’t be happier at the moment.
Now, normally, I’m a Catch and Release guy all around… but after 20 minutes, I had my doubts if this fish would survive. I brought it back to the resort and had it prepared for dinner. It was yummy. Way more food that we could eat, so we fed many of the staff tonight. This is my largest saltwater fish to date.
Good times.
Tags: flyfishing, Pacific Jack Crevalle, Toro, Vallarta
One of the most underrated inshore saltwater fish in my opinion. Man, can they pull and are they ever voracious!
Have you tied on a popper and had them eat on top yet?
I’m still on a high from it… honestly… I’m not going fishing today or tomorrow out of respect for that fish. What an experience.
Have not tried a popper… have 1 along that I picked up for cudda’s, might have to try it. I am now realizing I should have been tying WAY more for this trip and waited to tie for my Bahamas trip until I was a little closer to January… c’est la vie. I had actually run out of clousers and so was throwing a non-weighted surf candy fly… they liked it.
Good times here in Mexico. I like the East Coast better… love that crystal clear water, which isn’t what we have here. Still, weather is wonderful and a 12+ pound fish is just pure gravy. Oh fishing, I could never be mad at you!