Zack Jud keeps a pretty awesome little blog going called The Abaco Scientist. He heads out there to, well, do science. Some of that science involves bonefish. He’s doing the tagging and whatnot that will help figure out just where these fish go when we let them off of our hooks.
Some really interesting stuff is turning up. I know in the past we’ve seen a bonefish tagged off Miami show up in Andros. Zack has seen a bonefish tagged in Abaco show up in Eleuthera. It’s a 100 mile journey.
This has implications. Bahamian fish move. They move far and wide. They move between islands and they move, sometimes, even across the gulf stream to FL waters. So, knowing that, when crafting a conservation plan, you have to look much broader than simply an island or a coast line.

Getting it done.
After being told by many locals that have grown up on Rarotonga that “there are no bonefish on Rarotonga”, I found out there are. A friend from Alaska that was visiting caught on on some of the sands of Rarotonga. Whether they are new migrating fish or they have been just hiding out for many years it’s pretty cool.