There are a lot of lines out there. I’ve used a few of them. Specifically, the Rio Clouser Tropical, the Teeny Bruce Chard, Orvis Wonderline and SA Bonefish. Of all of those, I think my favorite was the Rio Clouser Tropical, but the only one I really don’t like too much is the SA Bonefish line (felt under-weighted a bit, but maybe that was just me).
So, what are you throwing?
[polldaddy poll=5222084]
Tags: bonefishing, fly fishing, fly lines
The Rio all around saltwater. It works well in most all conditions from Cozumel to Alaska.
Rio Bonefish under normal conditions. Rio Redfish and/or Tropical Clouser in heavy wind conditions.
Here on Aitutaki the line of choice is the RIO Saltwater Tropical F/I. It’s great on the flats and works nicely on the drop offs. It also cuts thru the wind with ease.
1) SA bonefish; love the low diameter (windcutting) and the fact that you can hear your line (a little rough surface, not as bad as sharkskin, thank God)
2) Airflo bonefish; ultra-ultra supple, good feel, not so nice for short distance, more of a shooting line
3) Rio bonefish; great allrounder in any condition
Dude, where the hell is Cortland on this? Best lines out there. Period. Wulff is also good. Rio is good for like a couple weeks and SA plain sucks. Newsflash: calling a flyline that sinks a floating line is not truth in advertising… I think that’s actually called fraud. Ok, I admit to having a #8 Sharkskin, which does cast beautifully, in point of fact. However, if you ever wanted to actually wade fish (without a stripping basket) you’d be screwed. In about 2 seconds it would be ON THE BOTTOM, entangling itself with any grass, coral, or benthic structure it can.
Dude, just forgot the Cortland… been a while since I’ve thrown one. My bad.
No worries, I see that the “other” category has it’s fair share of votes. At least one of those is Cortland. 😉
Cortland is represented at least. Rio still won, big time.
I can understand that. I used to be a HUGE Rio fan, but they’re lines just seem to lose their slickness quicker than Wulff or Cortland. They also seem to crack more… which is a failing common to most single-core lines (since the PVC coating has no texture to grab onto, like with the braided cores). I guess if you’ve got bank and can replace lines pretty often then it’s worth it to pay for the wind-cutting performance of a Rio, but ‘got bank’ isn’t a way anyone would ever describe me.
Shit, I meant “their lines”, not “they are lines”… or I suppose I could have also meant “they are lines THAT…”