I was glad to see Deneki Outdoors latest blog post which reassured me that the best time to go bonefishing is whenever you can!
I’m going to the Bahamas in January, which will be a bit cooler than, say, May, but not THAT much cooler. The thing to dodge are the big storms, but those seem to be a Fall sort of event.

I think this is S. Andros from Deneki Outdoors
I’ve become a big fan of the Deneki Outdoors blog for the ton of useful info that they put out about bonefishing. I recently got to meet the owner/operator at a local fly shop and got to talk bonefish (and some steelhead) for a while. The thing I like second best to actually fishing is TALKING about fishing. Oh fishing, I could never be mad at you!
Tags: bonefishing, Deneki Outdoors, flyfishing, weather