I was at one of my Grandmother’s 90’th birthday parties today, my daughter’s great grandmother. Not too surprisingly the topic of bonefish arose. My folks sent out their holiday newsletter that talked about my obsession, among other topics. Aunts and other relations would ask “What is it about bonefish that interests you so?”
Here is my reply:
First of all, bonefish live in beautiful places, places you’d like to be… the Bahamas, Hawaii, the Keys, Belize, Mexico, the South Pacific, the Seychells. Beyond that, the bonefish itself is a fish perfectly suited for its environment. It is elusive. It is fast. It is powerful. It is weary. Maybe most importantly for me, it is different from what I know. It is thrilling to be standing in the water with a rod in my hand not knowing what the hell I’m doing. I’m learning about the fish, where they live, what they eat and why. It is a wonderful thing to be learning.
That’s why I love bonefishing. I’d love to hear from others about why they love bonefish or what element you most enjoy. Please, leave a comment.
Tags: bonefishing, flyfishing
Hi Bjorn,
My “Signature” on a number of flyfishing webpages describes my feelings best…
“Catching bones is great…but the real fun and excitement for me is the “Game” and just “being there.”
I have fished here in South Central Ontario for the last 45 years or so and have caught freshwater specimines of epic proportions for every species we have to offer. 9lb Largemouth…7lb Smallmouth…50inch Muskie…30lb Pike…13 1/2lb Walleye…45lb Great Lakes Chinook Salmon and 21lb Great Lakes Coho Salmon. 25lb Rainbow/Steelhead…20lb Brown…30lb Lake Trout…6lb Brook trout and the list goes on to include many panfish species and coarse fish.
I doubdt I’ll ever eclipse my “personal bests”, in fact, I haven’t the slightest interest to. Thusly, I’ve re-focussed my energies towards Saltwater Flyfishing…a whole new set of species, locales and techniques. The learning curve has started anew and I now approach the sport of fishing with a whole new sense of vigor and excitement…something that was lacking for a number of years. Believe it or not, I rarely if ever fish locally now. It’s odd how things change throughout ones life. One thing is for sure…there are more than enough saltwater species and grand fishing spots around the world to keep me busy for the rest of my days.
I love bonefish because they live in beautiful places, they have moods, and you get to watch them swim around!
That’s interesting because it follows in part my own experience…without the HUGE fish. The whole bit about being in a new place with new fish and new techniques… it is simply wonderful to be a rookie again. Maybe this is a bit how Michael Jordan felt playing baseball. I do find myself plotting saltwater trips more than trips to my local waters, although I love them still.