2010 – The year in review

2010 was an interesting year and marked the first full year of this little blog being around. Thanks for sticking with me.

I managed two trips in 2010, bookending the year.  My first trip was in January to Grand Bahama and the last was a trip to Belize in November.  The two trips were very different from one another with the GBI trip being a solo trip with lots of DIY, a day of guiding, a cheap hotel and meals mostly comprised of peanuts and gummy worms.  The Belize trip was with a good friend and saw a grand slam, a first rate lodge with wonderful meals (think lobster) and camaraderie.  Both were fantastic experiences.

GBI Self Portrait. Almost no fish were harmed in the making of my DIY fishing.

Fish, meet stick, stick, meet fish. Belize Jack - 25 pounds.

I tied a lot over the past year and generally improved my saltwater tying a great deal.

I got to cast some loaner rods… from Sage, the Xi3 in a 7 and 10 and from Orvis the Helios, Hydros and Access. I also got to play with a Mirage reel from Orvis and the lovely NV from Nautilus.  They all pretty much rocked.

I did A LOT of interviews.  In fact, all 31 interviews I’ve done were done this year.  The interviews, I think, are my best contribution to the wider world of bonefishing since all the interviews are original content.  So much of what I do is finding the gems and nuggets from around the web, but the interviews are my own products thanks to the generosity of those interviewed.  There are some great stories in there… I hope you enjoy them.

Fish I caught for the first time this year… carp, striper, permit, tarpon.

I had some good freshwater trips this year, including a nice few days on the Metolius up in Oregon.  The Metolius is just more beautiful than is reasonable.  Fishing with my dad was a special bonus.

Dad and I walking through paradise.

I also had some days on the Upper Sacramento, some Sierra creeks, the CA Surf, South Bay reservoirs and other ponds.  Oddly, I probably fished less this year than in just about any year for the past decade.  Having a 3 year old does that to ya.

On the personal front I moved from the Sierra Foothills back to Silicon Valley.  My little girl started pre-school and landed her first trout.  I continue to be a stay-at-home dad, although that is a limited time contract with about a year left to go… after that… I’m going to have to find a regular job again.  Should be interesting.

Thanks for being a reader and sharing your comments and stories over the last year.

  • Unique Post


  1. Bjorn,

    Reading your website every morning is liek waking up to teh morning newspaper. I’ve enjoyed every one of your articles an look forward to many more in the 2011!

    BTW, love to the pictures above. What software / effect did you use?

    Thank you,


  2. I’m glad you enjoy what I’m putting together Glenn. I’ll do my best to outdo 2010.

    Those pics are done in Photoshop Elements with the cutout effect… I’m kind of new to photoshop… just playing around a bit.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Hey Bjorn, I really enjoy your site and reading your posts, and thanks with the Cozumel tips. I have read every single one of your interviews and thought they were great. I am a 52 year old artist living with my wife, 2 cats and dog in Boise, Idaho. I have been fly fishing since I was 10 years old and tying flies since then as well. I have never fished for bonefish or any other tropical species but am really looking forward to our trip the end of this month. I have been tying bonefhish flies for two months and have filled one and a half foam fly boxes so far. Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanks Mark. You are going to like bonefish… bonefish are kind of super awesome… the power of the fish is just amazing and the whole environment is just beautiful. Bones are so different from trout… the stalking, the hunting is much more in play. I’m not a hunter, but I think this must be what it’s like.
    Part of what makes life interesting is learning new things and bonefishing… the fish, the flies, the environment, the gear and the tactics are all going to be new. I hope it grabs hold of you like it has me. Just fantastic stuff.
    Thanks for the kind words on the blog… I do my best (or close to it anyway).

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