So, I’m looking at maybe having an adventure with my 10 year old this coming Spring. Sure, it is hardly even Fall at this point, but I’m trying to be a long term planner.
This would be a trip with just she and I. I’d do Yellowstone, but most of it would be under snow at that point, or could be, which would make planning hard.
I’d do the Keys except those are American prices and can be high.
I’m aiming low, in terms of price.
So, I’m thinking about maybe doing Belize. Belize can be expensive, but it doesn’t need to be, and Southwest flies to Belize. Planned out far enough, it isn’t so bad.
Thoughts? Ideas? Inspiration?
Tags: Belize
We are thinking about Belize this winter because of the SW Airlines thing.
Bungalows in Belize would be a memorable trip! Tons of snorkeling, beach combing, nature spotting! Friendly locals! Decent prices(? Haven’t been in a while).Put the gal” some Belizian bones! Turtle Shell Band (Dangriga):