I was looking for bonefishing leader formulas and found this story from MidCurrent which was just a delightful find. Really good stuff if you are interested in tournament fishing or pursuing big bones.
Think chasing giant bonefish is the same as throwing to schools of hundreds on the white sands of the Bahamas? Think again. Renowned tournament fisherman Tim Mahaffey shares some secrets on fly selection, gear choice and mental preparation in pursuing double-digit bonefish.
via Fly Fishing for Giant Bonefish – MidCurrent.
PS – 59 days until Belize.
Tags: bonefishing, flyfishing, MidCurrent, Tim Mahaffey
I’d like to know if Tim has a prefference to clothing color specifically when wading? Does he think the “seemingly standard bonefishing uniform” of a sky blue shirt and light tan pants really help camoflage an angler?
Henry Will
Oshawa, Ontaro
Nice hint about the camoflage, and great reading that of the giant bonefish @midcurrent, if you want you can check some other facts on this useful fly fishing Cartersville blog of a company near my place.
Cartersville, GA