My ticket is paid for. I’m headed to Belize in November. Sadly, I couldn’t pay for the ticket in Trident Layers.
I’ll be headed to El Pescador where I’ll hope to chat in person with Lori-Ann Murphy.
I still wait to hear if my friend Shane will be able to come along. If not, I’ll be flying solo.
Can’t wait. Started tying some #8’s last night.
Tags: Belize, bonefishing, El Pescador, flyfishing
Dude, how exciting. Congrats! Belize’s Ambergris Key was one of my favorite places. Not really big bonefish, but plenty of them and lots of permit. Saw permit there almost every day. I mostly fished the Oceanside with an old dude named Carlos Maryn, who I hear is still guiding…he was pretty old then. Great guide though. I had the best luck for tailers with a tiny #8 Charlie tied in light pink with a fuzzy dubbed body. That way it would land super quiet. I also had weedguards on most everything. I also whacked some tailers on one of those epoxy MOE things. Just “splat” the fly in front of a bone and wham, fish on! Craziest thing ever. Even after a good day I’d grab a beer and walk the beach with my 6-weight looking for tailers. Caught my own on every day but one. Sweet.
Yeah, I’m pretty excited about it. Not going to be where my double digit bone comes from, but I’m very much looking forward to the prospect of a lot of bones, maybe a baby tarpon or two and seeing some permit (notice I didn’t say “catching” some permit). Turns out my friend Shane will be coming. He’s about 5x the angler I am, so I look forward to picking up some tips from him. I’ll have two days guided and about one full day and two half days DIY.
I’ve been tying up some #8’s and will certainly bring along my 7 wt (and 8 wt. and maybe a 10).
The count down begins!