For Long I’ll be throwing a loaner Helios 2 from Orvis. I cast one of these in Cuba back in 2012 and I loved it then. I took it out on the grass yesterday for a spin and I have to say… I kind of love it.
It is light. It is powerful. It is accurate (although… is that the caster or the rod?).
I’m looking forward to getting a few more fish on the H2 and I’ll be sad when I have to send the thing back.
It arrived with a Mirage Reel along with the Orvis bonefishishing line, which is a textured line. I know textured lines have had mixed reviews with just about everyone agreeing they let you get a few more feet out of your cast and some (like Flatswalker) finding his textured floating lines incapable of floating. I didn’t have that issue when I fished this same line in 2012 and I will let you know how it goes this time around.
Tags: H2, Helios, Long Island, Orvis
that’s a friend who loaned it to you
Can we get a full review and comparison of all the gear you fish at Long? Definitely going to need to know which rigs caught all the fish. Haha. Forget the useful stuff. Just fish tally marks. I kid. Would really like to hear your thoughts on the light H2.