Update #1: Pirates are HERE. Just watched the first episode. Love it. Wish it were longer. Wish I was there. Still, love it. Great to see Lefty out there showing Brokaw the ropes. Neat to see a bonefish being tagged. Loved to see Abaco and tails… love the tails. Looking forward to #2.
Original Post
No, not the Seychelles pirates (well, I guess they could be, but that’s not what we’re talking about here). Pirates of the Flats is set to launch on Dec. 27th.
Pirates of the Flats – You Will Be Impressed!
Check out the newest – a slide show and narrative about what the Pirates series is all about. Photos by Val Atkinson, narration by Bill Klyn. Enter the Tin Shed (click on the door) and move over to the box of flies to see the Fishing films. Click on Pirates of the Flats. Here you will find the promotional trailer and the new narrated slide show: http://www.patagonia.com/web/us/tinshed/index.jsp?ln=240
Go straight to the trailer on YouTube: See the new trailer!
A bonefishing show on ESPN2. Love it.
Tags: bonefish, Lefty, Pirates of the Flats, Tom Brokaw, Val Atkinson, Yvon Chouinard