I came across this story in the Fort Myers Florida Weekly about a new record being set… records are funny, really… this record fish was 2 pounds 6 ounces. The record that was set for for woman angler and 2 pound test.
Now… should you really be trying to catch a bonefish on two pound test? Isn’t that going to tire the bonefish out too much? Is that bonefish going to be able to recover or evade predators?
Joanna seems like a nice lady and I’m sure she’s a great angler, worthy of a record and all, but I just have to question this sort of record making. I’ll actually go on the record as saying this sort of thing sucks.
Tags: records, Things that suck
Yes I agree,I too have had thoughts about that type of fishing you might as well keep the fish and eat at this point.There is no conservation in what she did.Its not her fault most tourist don’t think like the locals on how to survive the harsh reality’s of living in the tropics.
Aloha malama ka kai
The lost Lawai a