Reading the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust website revealed this little nugget about San Diego Bones.
Breaking News – Bonefish Genetics
It wasn’t long ago that word go out that people were catching bonefish in San Diego Bay. Now, with the help of some anglers who collected fin clips for bonefish research, BTT’s collaborators on bonefish genetics research have reported that San Diego anglers are catching two different species of bonefish! These are Albula esuncula, and Albula species A. If you fish for bonefish in San Diego and want to help, send us an email at bonefish @ and we’ll send you a fin clip kit.
Tags: bonefish, Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, Conservation, San Diego
I am interested in helping with the fin samples from bonefish in the San Diego bay. I targeted them last year with the fly rod and was very successful. Please contact me at and let me know what I can do to help.