South Pacific

It is all a mixture of good and bad news, isn’t it? It is pretty easy to focus on the bad, but don’t forget to look around in the other column ever once in a while.

Butch Leone, who guides and lives in far-flung Aitutaki in the Cook Islands, recently purchased (with his own money) supplies to start tagging bonefish on the small, South Pacific Atoll.  Butch has been guiding for a long time down there and seems to be facing a bit of an up-hill battle with the locals who may, or may-not still be netting bonefish (depending on who you talk to).

I wish I could make it to Aitutaki… it looks to be a magnificent place and the fish seem to be of unusual size.

You’ll likely hear more about Aitutaki in the months to come.



  1. I watched as two boats left the Tautu harbor this morning full of nets and they weren’t going to use them for a badmitten game.

  2. Frustrating. Keep fighting the good fight.

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