Well. This is something you don’t see every day (or ever lifetime).
Go over to the Moldy Chum to see the details. This is a spawning aggregation. We knew this happened, but had never actually caught it on tape. Awesome site.
From the good pages over at Moldy Chum.
Adopt a Culebra Bonefish! We need to raise $19,500 for 30 transmitters to implant in bonefish, with purchase and deployment of each tag costing $650. Please consider Adopting a Bonefish as part of this project. As a thank-you, we will name the bonefish tagged in your honor, and you’ll receive a thank-you packet, including a photograph of the bonefish and its personal details, (length, weight, sex when known), as well as bi-yearly updates on their fish’s status!
Contact Dr. Andy Danylchuk (danylchuk@eco.umass.edu) to adopt your bonefish today.
Of course, I did an interview with Andy.
If you care about bones, consider giving some coin to Andy so he can keep doing his good work.
I almost forgot about Science Wednesday. By that, I mean to say I totally forgot about Science Wednesday, but I figure slightly delayed is still pretty good.
So… let’s talk about what happens to those C&R bonefish. It turns out they stink. They stink no so you or I would notice, but if you were say, a Negaprion brevirostris, you would likely take notice. That’s a lemon shark and while you might like lemon with your fish, it turns out that the lemon has a bit of a taste for fish as well. In this case, it is stinky bonefish they are partial to.
You catch a fish, the fish gets stressed and it releases some chemicals. I had thought that chemical was cortisol, but it turns out that particular chemical is too weak to detect. The ammonia and urea, on the other hand are put out there in quantities that scream “Here I am, come eat me!”
This is why bonefish handling is so important. You need to minimize the fight time and air exposure so that fish is capable of doing what it needs to do when it gets release, which is going really fast to get away from young lemon sharks who are attracted to the chemical neon sign that fish is putting out reading “Bonefish, all you can eat (supplies limited).”
One of the authors of this study is Andy Danylchuk.
Thanks for the pull. Sorry it didn’t work out.
Andy Danylchuk, Ph.D. is one of the foremost researchers when it comes to bonefish. He’s a pretty interesting guy and his work is critical to those of us who like to chase silver on the flats.
I recently got to meet Andy at the IFTD show in Reno. I pumped him for good info and asked him to do an interview for the blog, which he agreed to. Here it is.
Andy, what has you particularly excited when it comes to bonefish, tarpon or permit research right now?
Still so much more to discover. Although anglers focus so much on these icons, we still know relatively little about them. Every piece of research about their ecology, movement patterns, and best way to handle them once caught can contribute greatly to the conservation and management of this trio.
What has you most concerned when it comes to bonefish right now?
Not learning enough about them in time to make the best decisions related to their conservation and management. For instance, it wasn’t until a few years ago when we finally had some stats related to how air exposure can influence the susceptibility of bonefish to predation following release. Many have seen bonefish getting attacked by sharks and cudas after letting them go, but one of our studies showed that for every minute of air exposure, the chances of a predation increases by six times. Even if half of the anglers targeting bonefish work to eliminate air exposure for the fish they catch, that increases the chances of survival for a good number of fish. Same is true for learning about their essential habitats, like where the juveniles live or where bonefish spawn. It wasn’t until recently did we discover that bonefish in The Bahamas form large aggregations and move to deeper offshore waters to spawn. Finding and protecting these spawning aggregation sites might prove to be a critical piece of the ‘conservation’ puzzle.
What is one of the weirdest things you’ve seen out on the flats?
First on my list would be golf balls – I have a collection of them from various flats. It is amazing how startling it is to come across a golf ball when you are in a search pattern for bonefish or permit. The second oddest was a computer monitor that got caught up in the mangroves.
Every once in a while someone comes up with a claim of a 20 pound bonefish. Hawaii, New Caledonia, South Africa. Do you think there is a 20 pounder out there and if so, do you think it could be caught?
Anything is possible
What should the individual angler be doing to help preserve bonefish populations?
Learn and apply best practices for catch-and-release. Minimize or better yet, eliminate air exposure; reduce handling time by using barbless hooks and simply being prepared; stay tuned for updates from groups such as Bonefish & Tarpon Trust as these best practices become more detailed/refined. Also, just recognizing that one person – the angler – can make a difference when it comes to each fish they interact with.
What more should the industry be doing to preserve bonefish populations?
Promote a general conservation ethic – having advertisements and magazine articles describing and showing images that reflect known best practices; showing support, even in a non-monetary way, for conservation efforts.
Thanks Andy. Keep up the good work.
I saw this a few weeks ago over at Moldy Chum and I thought “damn… that is cool.”
A permit from Puerto Rico, caught and fitted with an acoustic transmitter. Very fine work conducted by Dr. Andy Danylchuk and team.
Well done.
Funny thing… I met El Guapo from the Chum at the party industry show. There, he says, “You know who I’m meeting after this is Andy Danylchuk. I want to introduce you to him. You should come along.”
Awesome. I got to hear about it first hand and I’m going to try to do some things on the conservation front with Dr. Andy.
… and that is why you go to the show.