OK… the give away is in full swing and thanks to everyone who has participated thus far. To be included in that, please go to that page and leave your reply there.
I thought I’d add another bonus question after Jenn nailed the Belize City Airport bar yesterday.
So… please find, on this site… which Cliff boxes I use myself for my bonefish flies and tell me the name of those boxes (I use two of the same style Cliff boxes). Tricky, eh?
Comment on this page and I’ll send the winner a few flies. First correct answer gets a few flies (3-6, depending on how lazy I get).
I have no idea why I keep committing to give away flies, since it means I have to tie them and they don’t end up going in my boxes. However, I like giving things away and I happen to be able to tie flies. I am not going to make a rod, or build a boat and I don’t currently own a lodge, but I can give away some flies that I tie myself, so that is what I’m going to do.
I’m writing this from the Phoenix Airport… three hours to kill until my flight back home. I brought Kaufmann’s “Bonefishing!” along for a little light reading.

A little light reading