May 18

This is what the voice of reason sounds like

Clint Kemp from Black Fly Lodge in Abaco and the Bahamas Fly Fishing Lodge Association spoke about the regulations battle today. He didn’t have any updates or news to share, but he did have some perspective to share and I think it is worth listening to. So… here’s Clint.

Jun 12

Capt. Clint Kemp casting

Here’s a little video that features Capt. Clint Kemp from Black Fly doing some casting.

He’s pretty good at this stuff.

Notice how high his hand is when he starts his haul.  That’s important.  The further up you start the haul, the more haul there is. I had that tip down in Cuba… I think from John Hudgens. It works.



Aug 10

Blackfly Bonefish Club via the Miami Herald

SCHOONER BAY, GREAT ABACO ISLAND, BAHAMAS — After nearly 20 years as a founding pastor of the 500-member New Providence Community Church in Nassau, Clint Kemp was starting to burn out. So he took three months off and went fly fishing. After praying, casting, and catching and releasing many fish, he decided it was time for a new career.

“Instead of a pulpit, I have a poling platform,” Kemp, 45, said.

via A new fishing haven found and created in Bahama Islands – Outdoors – MiamiHerald.com.

Sue Cocking (yes, unfortunate) writes up another bonefishing story for the Miami Herald focused on the Blackfly Bonefish Club. Doesn’t sound like she had totally awesome fishing, but such is life and fishing.

The club even has a facebook page. The club is an extension of Black Fly Outfitter out of Jacksonville, FL.

looks nice. find more pics on their facebook pag.

Mar 10

Development Trumps Bonefish

Saw a story on Moldy Chum about a mangrove-crushing, environment-destroying developments in New Providence.  It isn’t pretty and the good folks at Secret Soul Fly Fishing Adventures (Aaron Bain and Clint Kemp) are pretty pissed about it… and you should be too.

You can read the whole story here from The Tribune.

It seems like over-development is a real emerging issue all throughout the Caribbean.  I would have thought that this little economic blip we are coming out of would have stopped a few thousand bulldozers and chain saws, but it continues.  I’ve read stories about development threatening Bimini and fears about development in Belize.

This makes me grumpy.