It was a big day… for her, for me… her first fish… on her own. She made the cast, she set the hook, she got the fish in.

The girl, the sass, the trout.
A gift from the Upper McCloud River, one of many it has given me.
I’m pretty stoked on how that all went down. It felt like a milestone, for both of us.
Tags: Trout, Upper McCloud
Although I’ve followed your blog for a long time, for the life of me I can’t remember how old she is?
Nice fish, nice pose. Ready for fishing magazine ads!
She is 7 and a half. 85% sass.
Well done, Bjorn – quality parenting right there – she’ll remember that way longer than you will, which is saying something!
Sweet! I think I read somewhere that the key to successful fly fishing is 10% technique, 90% sass. Good work to both of you…well mostly to her. 🙂