The days are in single digits and I’m starting to get really annoying on the whole “Guess where I’m going?!” thing. The media tour with Yellow Dog and Avalon is fast approaching and my rods are finally all here.

There they are.
This is what’s on tap.
- 11 wt – Predator from Redington (I fished this in a 9 in December)
- 10 wt – Helios from Orvis (I’ve fished this before in a 10 and an 8 )
- 8 wt – One from Sage (brand new)
- 8 wt – mystery prototype rod
That’s a pretty sweet line up. The only thing I don’t really have in there is a dedicated permit rod, but that’s because I hope I find more time casting to baby tarpon and not-baby bonefish than searching for permit. I just can’t help it… that’s how I feel. Don’t hate me.
These are not my rods, of course. The sad day when I get back will be returning these rods to their corporate parents. I hope to get a sense of where the new Sage One stacks up to one of my favorite rods, the Helios. The Predator is a good, workman rod that is the low-cost rod of the bunch. The prototype? I’ve never cast a prototype before.
Basically… I’ll keep you posted and I. CAN’T. WAIT.
Tags: Cuba, Fly rods, flyfishing, Orvis, Orvis Helios, Predator, Redington, Sage One
A puppy dies every time someone says they do not like fishing for permit. Come on, Bjorn. Think of the puppies.
10 wt Helios is perfect for permit!
Cool beans! Predator, Helios, awesome. Sage One cool new technology, I hear they are really fast, so good for wind. Hmmmm, mystery prototype rod, can’t wait to hear. No 7wt? Perhaps no need. And I totally support your thinking on the Permit. Now if you have caught so many bonefish and tarpon that you are bored with them, then hunting for permit would be the thing.
Orvis Proto hm?!????? must be a saltwater designated rod??
I’m not telling (until they tell me I can).