Thinking about big, big bonefish

In a few weeks I’m going to arrive early into Ft. Lauderdale airport, I’m going to meet Adrienne Comeau for the first time and we are going to pick up a rental car and drive to Miami to meet Martin Carranza. From there we are going to head out on the waters of Biscayne Bay.

I’m already a little bit puckered, it has to be said.

Biscayne Bay is the land of giants. The bones there, as I understand it, are on the large side of above average and if I’m ever to catch a 10 pound fish, this day represents one of my best shots.

I’ve cast at 10 pound fish a few times. I’ve cast at a few in Hawaii, with no luck. I’ve sent casts downrange a couple of times at big fish in Grand Bahama. I cast at one in Cuba that our guide thought was a shark at first. I’ve put nothing on the board when it comes to double digit fish. If this comes as a surprise to you, I’d just remind you, I’m no expert.

I’m hoping I won’t crack under pressure if we see a really big bone. I’m hoping if Adrienne is on the bow when we see a monster I restrain myself from pushing her into the water and I don’t resent her too much if she catches the damn thing.

I’m hoping I can make the cast and that the big piece of meat on the other end (1/0 bonefish fly?) doesn’t spook the fish.

Dear god I better not trout set if I’m lucky enough to get an eat. How bad would that suck to travel a couple thousand miles, find the fish, make the cast, make the presentation, get the grab and the trout set?!

I hope, if that happens, I learn to forgive myself.

Don’t trout set. Don’t trout set. Don’t trout set.

Me, casting in vain for big bones in HI.

Me, casting in vain for big bones in HI.

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  1. Bjorn, good morning. Can you give us a hand with ?

    Skip Clement, publisher of Fly Life

  2. “travel a couple thousand miles, find the fish, make the cast, make the presentation, get the grab and the trout set”

    Do you know, I’ve seen that very thing more times than I can count.

    You’ll be fine, though.


  3. bonefishbjorn


  4. Oh Man! I am so excited for you. Just have fun, no matter what happens!

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