Last year I had the privilege to be part of FIBFest at Andros South. Along on that trip was Tom Larimer.
Looks like Tom just made it back. He took a hosted trip to Andros South and despite some less-than-ideal weather, they had a good time.
I envy him for getting back there… for hanging out at the Slack Tide Bar and chatting with the guides on the ride out to the West Side. Of course, I can’t complain. I’m headed to Cuba here in about 2.5 weeks with Yellow Dog and that does not suck.
One of the things about fly fishing that I love is that you both get to see new and wonderful places and you also get to develop some “home water.” For trout I have home water on the Upper Sac and McCloud. For Carp I have Calero. For bonefish I don’t have a place that I know well, a place I keep coming back to. I’d love to have South Andros be that place, but that seems financially and logistically out of the question. Glad that Tom is getting a feel for South Andros and maybe beyond swinging for steelhead in Oregon he’s getting a sense of the moods of Andros.
Tags: Andros South, bonefishing, fly fishing, Home Water, Tom Larimer
I am actually reading your blog from Andros South on a full stomach of grouper fingers and fried chicken all prepared by the wonderful staff. Fished with Freddie today and caught 7 wonderful bones including a 5# or so fish tailing. An awesome experience watching the tailing fish move 4 feet or so to the pearl white with rubber legs #4 Gotcha and dip his head, flash his tail and take off out in the flats on my rod. Went probably 150′ into the backing before putting on the brakes. We fought 3 good runs, boated him and then released a beautiful fish. My son also caught a tailing fish only, get this, his weighed 7#’s or more. What a great day full of memories….even if the wind was 20 mph on a sustained basis!!! You must find a way to Andros South. States represented in camp this week are Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi , Georgia, Tennessee, New York, Vermont, Montana, Oregon and Alaska . Gotta love the elusive bonefish!