Tribal Bonefish – Keep up with Conservation

Just so you know… there is a site called Tribal Bonefish that keeps track of things conservation.  It happens to be the work of uber angler Aaron Adams.  Yes… you should probably find yourself over there.

Here’s the recent update:

Posted February 13

The Everglades Foundation is asking for your help in getting funding restored for the Everglades. The Florida Senate recently proposed a budget that ELIMINATES funding for critical Everglades Restoration projects. This will negatively impact recreational fishing and fish
habitats in the Everglades, Florida Bay, the Florida Keys, and even the east and west coasts of Florida the receive effluent from Lake Okeechobee. Plus, the lack of restoration funds will impact the safety of the drinking water supply for South Florida. Everglades Foundation has set up a web site that makes it easy for you to help: And after you visit their web site, send a letter, email, or call Tallahassee and tell them to restore the funding.

Yes, even sharks should benefit from good handling for catch and release fishing, especially when they are caught and released in a place like Florida, where they are protected.

The salt marshes of the Mississippi River Delta may be the most endangered habitats in the United States. They are disappearing at an alarming rate due to erosion (a natural process), augmented by the channelization of the Mississippi River which was once the source of new sediment to build the marshes. And now they’re subjected to the insults of oil spills and other threats. But there are ways you can help.


  1. Donate $$$$$ so the freaking pols can say they are doing a good job of holding down spending. Wonderful

  2. Well, if we don’t do it, nobody will. We do it or kiss the fisheries goodbye. No whining. 😉

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